If you use any of our source designs for your research, please refer to it as the UWPR nanospray source or UWPR NSI source and reference our website. Thanks!
Current NSI source details (pdf) Legacy NSI source details (pdf)
Current NSI source parts list (xlsx) Legacy NSI source parts list (xlsx)
When using stainless steel VHP fittings we use a 3D printed carrier to prevent arcing. The files below were created using the emachineshop.com CAD software and the Ender3 S1 Pro from Creality
3D printed carrier (pdf)
files for printing the UWPR MicroCross carrier (zip)
files for printing the ViperUnion carrier (zip)
LC plumbing
The UWPR nanospray source was first designed in 2007 to be used on ThermoFisher instruments (LTQ, LTQ-OrbitrapXL and TSQ) over the years the flexible design was modified and today fits all the Thermo instruments (including QExactive series and the new source design on the Tribrid series instruments as well as the TSQ Altis).
The UWPR NSI source offers all the benefits and features of commercial NSI sources:
But in addition this NSI source offers significant improvements over most commercial sources:
Another alternative to use your own columns with the Thermo Easy-spray source:
Jailbreak Column Heater for the Thermo Easy-spray Source from Phoenix S&T
The UWPR is currently using the NSI source on all of our Thermo instruments.
UWPR NSI source images
UWPR NSI source on the Fusion with trap and 30cm analytical column