Orbitrap Astral

The Thermo Scientific The Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer contains three mass analyzers: a quadrupole mass analyzer for precursor ion selection, the Orbitrap mass analyzer to acquire high dynamic range HRAM spectra, and the novel Astral mass analyzer to acquire high sensitivity, high dynamic range HRAM spectra at a rate of up to 200 Hz. Together, the analyzers’ unique strengths maximize performance and usability. The front end—ion source to quadrupole—maximizes instrument sensitivity and robustness. The Orbitrap mass analyzer enables the collection of panoramic full scan data at high resolution. The Astral mass analyzer adds fast (up to 200 Hz), sensitive, high dynamic range HRAM capabilities that are fully synchronized with the Orbitrap analyzer acquisition. Due to this synchronization the Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer excels at many data acquisition strategies including high resolution data-independent acquisition (HR-DIA), and data-dependent acquisition (DDA) for identification and label-free quantitation (LFQ), as well as tandem mass tag (TMT™)-based multiplexed quantification using TMTpro™ 18-plex reagents.

Visit the Astral site for more information

8/15/2024 Astral (SN# OA10191, UW tag 2045625) Installed


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    Scan Rate
  • MS/MS acquisition rates of up to 200 Hz in the Astral mass analyzer with 80,000 resolution at m/z 524 with a maximum injection time of 3 ms
  • MS/MS acquisition rates of up to 40 Hz with 7,500 resolution at m/z 200 for the Orbitrap mass analyzer
  • Maximum Astral mass analyzer resolution up to 80,000 FWHM at m/z 524 enabling resolution of TMTpro™ 18-plex reporter ions
  • Maximum Orbitrap mass analyzer resolution of up to 480,000 FWHM at m/z 200
    Mass accuracy
  • Astral < 5 ppm RMS drift over 24 hours using external calibration
  • Orbitrap < 3 ppm RMS drift over 24 hours using external calibration
  • Orbitrap < 1 ppm RMS drift over 24 hours using internal calibration
  • Orbitrap dynamic range > 5000 within a single Orbitrap mass analyzer spectrum
  • Astral dynamic range >1,000 within a single microscan Astral mass spectrum
  • Higher Energy Collisional Dissociation (HCD)
  • EASY-IC™ (internal calibration) source
  • Quadrupole mass filter
  • Ion Routing Multipole (IRM) trapping, focuses and routes ions more effectively
  • Orbitrap mass analyzer
  • Astral (Asymmetric Track Lossless) mass analyzer
  • Extensive pre-built method templates for data-dependent acquisition (DDA), data-independent acquisition (DIA), TMT, and SureQuant for multiple application areas including plasma and single cell proteomics

Instrument control software

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Instrument calibrations

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PC configuration

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